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Jef keeps AQU's finances in order. In addition to preparing an annual budget and tracking expenses, she assists with our website and Square.  Jef’s mantra: Good vibes make Happy Art! Jef is always happy to help any one of our members.


Jef’s Story

I was taught quilting by my grandmother in 1985. My “aha!” moment came at the Quilt Symposium in Columbus, Ohio, where I discovered the world of fiber art.  For thirty years, my career was administration, and I spent spare time doing art. Retirement in 2013 led me to Florida and AQU, where I found a flourishing fiber art community filled with support and encouragement from fellow artists. The opportunities to learn and experiment are endless. My work is mostly abstract but includes photos, nature, and embellishments. Someday I may discover my style, but right now, I’m trying it all and loving it!

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