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Holiday Luncheon Co-Chair

Jeri loves to throw a party! This is her third year co-chairing AQU’s annual Holiday Luncheon. She also organized AQU's 20th Anniversary Luncheon in 2024.


Jeri’s Story

AQU’s particular group of talented artists stimulates me to stretch and be fearless in my art. Since joining in 2006, I’ve held many positions, including President and Membership Chair.  I’m also in the Naples Quilt Guild (24 years) and served on their board a few times. I started quilting in 1975, spurred on by our country’s bicentennial celebration. Since then, I have made dozens of king-size quilts as wedding and special gifts to family, but my true love is working with fiber in an artistic way. I’ve taught Zen Doodling and the Art of Making Notecards to several art groups and quilt guilds. I give talks to local clubs on “What Is A Fiber Artist?” I was interviewed by Save Our Stories (SOS), a Smithsonian project. I showed and talked about quilts my great-great-grandmother made in the 1800s. 

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