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Lisa Gorski

2nd VP

Find teachers for our fiber arts and unique quilting techniques. Approach members for ideas, created a questionaire that helps with the process. Set up budget with BOD approval and time slots with the teacher calendar time. Work up announcements for Maura to do the PR, get members to purchase their cost for class/classes and retreat.

Art Quilter since 1997 so shes quite diverse in fiber medium, AQU member since 2005. Achieved many national awards for several of her art pieces from Quilt National, Landcaster Quilt Show taking Honorary for her Zebra, Local Exhibit awards. Formal trained Chef , many years ago she was in an accident that required many surgeries that had disabled her although she msintains her artistic abilities, she states shes not as profilic as a normal person her disability slows her down.

Lisa Gorski
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